Thanks for checking out our electronic press kit. Below, you’ll find our bio, plus links to downloadable pictures, videos and Bailey’s Mistake music on Spotify.
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Long bio
Bailey’s Mistake is a not-quite-traditional, Celtic-inspired, four-piece folk band from Maine. The group mixes traditional music from Ireland, Scotland and Newfoundland with brand new songs about contemporary life in New England. Bailey’s Mistake’s pulsing sound is driven by bass, drums and guitar and topped off with hearty vocal harmonies and thrilling bagpipe and whistle tunes.
Bailey’s Mistake is made up of four seasoned musicians who all went to the same rural high school in Maine — aptly named Bonny Eagle. Collectively, they have about 110 years of touring musical experience.
Troy R. Bennett plays guitar, sings soulful lead and writes most of the band’s original songs. Travis Cote learned to play the bagpipes at 10 and thrills audiences with his rhythmic, majestic sound. Dean Clegg is the band’s inventive percussionist and oversees all technical aspects of every show. Rob Babson plays bass, sings delicate harmonies and is the band’s musical leader.
Bailey’s Mistake has played gigs all over New England. The band is also recording and releasing one new song, every month, throughout 2025.
The band takes its name from a legend told for generations along the Maine coast. Back in the 19th century, there was a certain ship captain named Bailey. He was trying to guide his vessel safely around West Quoddy Head Lighthouse and into Lubec Harbor. Unfortunately, it was a foggy night and he missed. Instead of safe harbor, Bailey ran aground in a shallow, rocky inlet just south of the lighthouse.
But rather than face the wrath of the ship’s furious owners in Boston, Bailey and his crew unloaded the lumber they had on board, built houses in the cove and settled down with several local ladies.
To this day, on most good maps, that little harbor is simply labeled “Bailey’s Mistake.”
Short bio/tagline
Bailey’s Mistake is a Celtic-inspired, four-piece folk band from Maine mixing traditional music from Ireland, Scotland and Newfoundland with brand new songs about contemporary life in New England.